Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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Mag!X v2.x Disk .............. 1 disk
by Behne N Behne Software HD Install ........ Yes
Atari ST/STe/TT030 Double-sided Drive req.
Suggested Retail ...... $ 119.95 Minimum Memory .... 1 Meg
STeve's Price ......... $ 99.95 Rating ............ Excellent
You Save .............. $ 20.00 Contoller ......... Mouse
STeve's Item Number ... # 23831-A Monitor ........... Color/Mono
Whenever a new computer is introduced nowadays (and it does not have to
be a 'compatible'), the manufacturer cannot afford to release it without
providing some degree of multitasking. No operating systems for any computers
are being developed without the ability to run several programs at once.
There are many uses for multitasking, starting with the ability to keep both a
word-processor and a graphics program in memory so that the user can build up
documents without quitting the programs. Another use involves getting one
program to carry out time-consuming tasks like printing or even rendering a
picture while the user gets on with writing a text.
The original GEM concept implemented in the Atari ST was a single tasking
operating system with some primitive elements of cooperative Multitasking.
Mag!X (which stands for "Multi-Application Graphics Interface Extension")
replaces this with it's own high-speed operating system, giving the Atari ST
STe and TT030 series all the advantages of pre-empitve Multitasking. Mag!X's
pre-emptive multitasking allows the user to start several programs, switch
between them at will and , while another program is calculating in the back-
ground, carry on working with yet another in the foreground.
In contrast to other solutions, the primary objective during the deve-
lopment of Mag!X was to implement this without any pay-off in speed. You
don't have to buy a new 66Mhz computer system to enjoy the benefits of 'Real'
multitasking - your Atari ST running at 8Mhz is quite capable of running Mag!x
The following list is just a brief selection of possibilities offered by
Mag!X. It's scope can only be realized after reading the handbook thoroughly.
[-->] Pre-emptive multitasking with up to 16 programs. If you use all
six accessory slots, you can still keep 10 programs (including
the desktop) in memory.
[-->] Up to 64 windows opened at the same time
[-->] Comfortable operation by way of a completely, new graphics user-
interface. This allows rapid and simple switching between different
[-->] Help for programmers to track down errors and a Program Manager for
'freezing' or removing deadlocked applications from memory.
[-->] Extended dialog functions, additional systems calls for flying-
dialogs, keyboard shortcuts within dialogs, pop-up menus etc.
[-->] Close compatibility with TOS, critical programs can be run in single
tasking mode. Compatible with accelerator-boards and graphic add-ons.
[-->] Drastically improved operational security which prevents 'Dirty'
programs from influencing others. After such a program has crashed,
Mag!X cleans up the system so that other programs will very probably
remain functional!
[-->] Newly developed desktop MagxDESK with user-defined icons and extensive
[-->] Programs have drastically increased speed of execution in comparison
with the original system.
Mag!X will run on any of the following Atari computers: ST, Mega ST, STe,
Mega STe and TT030. A Falcon030 version is currently being developed. TOS
must be in ROM. A hard drive is not essential, but is highly recommended
because of the grave limitations is speed and capacity of floppy disks.
Theoretically, Mag!X will run with only 512K or RAM, but at least 2 MB is
recommentded for useful working environment..
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KOBOLD Disk .............. 1 disk
Kaktus Software HD Install ........ Yes
Atari ST/STe/TT030/Falcon030 Double-sided Drive req.
Suggested Retail ...... $ 119.95 Minimum Memory .... 1 Meg
STeve's Price ......... $ 99.95 Rating ............ Excellent
You Save .............. $ 20.00 Contoller ......... Mouse
STeve's Item Number - # 24381-A Monitor ........... Color/Mono
With Kobold you have an extremely efficient utility at your disposal -
Kobold not only copies files, folders or complete disks at high speed but also
serves as a helping hand for any small or larger tasks related to mass
storage. A file can be write-protected, a folder created or deleted, a disk
formatted etc. at any time, even from within a GEM program (Kobold as
All these actions are carried out by Kobold at a speed with which you
will not be familiar if you have previously only used the system functions.
Only some sector-orientated copy programs have been known to make disk-copies
at this rate. However, sector-orientated programs are not used for copying
hard disks as they are usually restricted to copying the complete medium and
not individually selected files.
In conjuntion with Kobold, removeable disk drives are a very comfortable
backup medium! By means of its so-called 'jobs' (batch files), Kobold is able
to make regular and rapid backups, fully automating this usually tedious
chore. Although the data is saved as normal files (no encryption or
compression), there are no great pay-offs in terms of speed or storage
requirements as Kobold can backup incrementally i.e. only files whose
time-stamps have changed since the last backup will be saved - your data is
thus kept up to date at minimum expense.
Users of floppy disks will also benefit greatly from Kobold. Floppy
disks have been neglected somewhat by the operating system because of their
relatively complicated management (due to slow access time). File copying can
be painfully slow especially when a large number of files are involved. Kobold
steps in here and copies (under favourable conditions) a full disk at the same
speed as a sector-orientated copier, although its main strength lies more in
selective copying. Copying the contents of floppy disks to the hard disk or
vice versa is carried out comfortably in a matter of seconds.
What Kobold has to Offer
Kobold copies complete drives, folders and files at lightning speed.
This, however, would not be enough to make your day-to-day work easier.
Several handy features implemented in Kobold make it into an alround-talent:
[-->] Accessory: The Kobold program file can be renamed with the extension
.ACC and copied into the boot partition of your system. It is then
available from within GEM applications for all single-tasking users.
Some programs reserve all the memory they can get - Kobold allows you
to set a minimum amount of memory aside for Kobold's own use. This
means that Kobold can be used from within CALAMUS, 1ST_WORD, SCRIPT etc
without encountering memory-problems.
[-->] "Job Files": Kobold incorporates a script/batch language so that
repetitive or complicated actions can be automated. These commands can
either be written using an ASCII text editor or recorded interactively
- all user-actions are "remembered" and will be written to a Job file
automatically. The use of Job files is almost limitless - any
conceivable file operations from multiple disk-copy to incremental
backup of the hard disk (whereby only new or changed files are copied)
are over in a few minutes (or even seconds).
[-->] Flexible Formatting Routines: Kobold not only formats at the highest
possible speed, it also supports any (exotic) formats e.g. 11 (DD) or
22 (HD) sectors per track etc. Kobold can also handle the new ED
(extended density) diskettes with a capacity of 3.3 Mb.
[-->] Programmable Interface: Most Kobold functions can be called from within
custom-written applications. The alternative desktops EASE or GEMINI
from version 2.0 on actively support Kobold - file operations which
would normally be handled (tediously) by TOS can be routed to Kobold.
The Kobold package also contains an extra program allowing the MultiTOS
desktop to make direct use of Kobold functions.
[-->] Moving Files/Folders within a single drive: Kobold handles this at a
speed which makes TOS 1.4 look like a snail on Valium. It doesn't
matter what TOS version you have - try it!
[-->] Flexible Delete Function: Thanks to its intelligent optimization,
Kobold can delete several objects at once (and therefore at high speed)
without any pay-offs in security.
[-->] Manipulation of File Attributes: Folders can be renamed under any TOS
version. Write-protect, hidden, archive bits etc. can be set/reset for
several files at once.
[-->] GEMDOS Mode: Certain drives can be "disbled" for Kobold so that file
operations are carried out by GEMDOS. This feature allows CD-ROMs,
networks or other exotic media which rely on GEMDOS to be accessed (at
the usual TOS speed, however).
[-->] Security during Access: The program CHK_OFLS (check open files) in the
Kobold package belongs in the AUTO folder of your boot partition. This
program prevents access to files which have not been closed i.e. no two
applications can access a single file at the same time.
[-->] Logical Selection: This feature allows files/folders to be selected
automatically according to certain criteria e.g. extension, date-stamp
Kobold doesn't use any "dirty tricks" - this is all above-board stuff!
Kobold's user-interface is a "dialog-window" which runs fine with any large
screens (e.g. Overscan) or special graphics boards - minimum is 640 * 200
pixels (ST-Medium). Kobold is happy with any operating system from
(singletasking) TOS to (multitasking) MultiTOS, Mag!X or MultiGEM. It will run
on a Falcon.
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STeve's - A Galaxy of Top Quality Hardware/Software for All Atari products.
Tabby Tablet Disk ................... 1 disk
by MicroGraf Inter LTD. HD Install ............. Yes
Atari ST/STe/TT030 and Falcon030
Suggested Retail ...... $ 129.99 Minimum Memory ......... N/A
STeve's Price ......... $ 109.95 Rating ................. Excel
You Save .............. $ 20.00 Contoller .............. Pin/Mice
STeve's Item Number ... # 23891-A Monitor ................ N/A
Tabby Tablet
The Tabby Graphic's Tablet does the work of a mouse and more! Tabby
gives you direct cursor control, vital when working with a small screen, and a
great improvement over any kind of trackball. There is no more searching for
the cursor, you always know where it is. Tabby is elegant, compact and either
sits neatly on your desk or, as no mouse mat or flat surface is required, in
the palm of your hand, you can even use Tabby on your lap, for relaxed, yet
rapid, precision control. Freehand drawing, adding hand written notes, and
even the signing of letters, maintains your personal touch when you use soft-
ware such as "Quill." Using Tabby's pen is just like drawing on paper, and
much more natural than a mouse, without any of the disadvantages of a mouse.
No matter whether you are left or right handed, you can slid Tabby's pen
holder to where you prefer, and it is always in the natural writing position,
ready to use. Tabby simply attaches to a serial port.
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--------------------------------- """""""""" ---------------------------------
Quill Disk ................... 1 disk
by CGS ComputerBild. HD Install ............. Yes
Atari ST/STe/TT030 and Falcon030
Suggested Retail ...... $ 69.95 Minimum Memory ......... N/A
STeve's Price ......... $ 59.95 Rating ................. Excel
You Save .............. $ 10.00 Contoller .............. Pin
STeve's Item Number ... # 23601-A Monitor ................ N/A
Quill is a pen and ink freehand vector drawing package that combines the
speed and responsiveness of a painting package with the smooth rescaleable
output of vector graphics. It is the first program to properly emulate
naturalistic drawing and writing with a shaped nib of italic pen. Quill
records every flick of your pen and renders each stroke in flawless curves
drawn in the nib of your choice. The nib can be edited (choose square of
rounded, then squash, rotate, stripe and resize) both before and after drawing
so you can mould its shaped and weight to best express a particular sketch or
piece of lettering. Individual pen strokes can be moved or deleted with the
powerful zoom option allowing precise adjustments. A reversible UNDO effects
all graphic operations; so you can work spontaneously and without fear. Quill
saves in its own vector format, and exports bit image files at any size of
resolution. Ideal for signatures, handlettering, calligraphy, font design,
tracing, cartoon and sketches. Works with either a mouse or (you guessed it)
Tabby Graphics Tablet...
STeve's Special -----> Purchase both, Tabby and Quill and save Shipping
charges to boot....
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DA's Picture Disk ................... 3 disk
by Digital Arts. HD Install ............. Yes
Atari ST/STe/TT030 and Falcon030
Suggested Retail ...... $ 299.95 Minimum Memory ......... N/A
STeve's Price ......... $ Call.. Rating ................. Excel
You Save .............. $ ...... Contoller .............. Pin/Mice
Monitor ................ N/A
DA's Picture.
DA's Picture is as easy to use as a paint program but it's a full scale
image processing software. An intuitive user interface, full GEM implement-
ation and modern software concepts like drop and drag, opens the highly
interesting area of color image processing to every owner of an ATARI
computer. DA's Picture runs in any color resolution, on all ATARI machines
with at least 2MB RAM and a hard disk drive with any graphics board. The
intergrated virtual memory management for all types of ATARI computers allow
you to work with DA's Picture on any number of imaes up to 16384 by 16384
pixels in 16.7 Million colors and with and additional 8-bit mask. DA's
Picture can be expanded by external modules and so meet and requirements you
many have in future.
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DA's Vector PRO. Disk ................... 3 disk
by Digital Arts. HD Install ............. Yes
Atari ST/STe/TT030 and Falcon030
Suggested Retail ...... $ 499.95 Minimum Memory ......... N/A
STeve's Price ......... $ Call.. Rating ................. Excel
You Save .............. $ ...... Contoller .............. Pin/Mice
Monitor ................ N/A
DA's Vector PRO
DA's Vector PRO is a color vector graphis program for any ATARI ST(e)/
TT030 and Falcon030 computer systems, with at least 2MB of memory. If will
run in all color resolutions from monochrome to 16.7 Millions colors, and with
most graphic boards. Anyone who has worked with computer graphics will know
that one of the biggest drawbacks is the fact it is almost impossible to
achieve a decent drawing by simply moving a mouse with your hand, it's like
trying to sketch with a 12" diameter pencil. Of course there are ways around
this, a good one being the use a scanner to copy your drawing into a paint
package, but resulting image is bitmapped (Made of dots or pixels) so if you
try to resize it the edges of the image become jagged and distorted.
Vector graphics can solve this problem, and do much more besides. The
first use for vector graphics was in the motor industry. Today the whole
publishing world relies on them. DA's Vector PRO uses this technology to
create professional quality full color graphics suitable for a hugh range of
applications including typographical design, desktop publishing, video
titling, animation, technical and creative illustration. The program consists
of a series of modules, each one adding to the power and versatility that
makes DA's Vector PRO both unique and essential.
Some of the Modules are:
[-->] The Vectoriser
[-->] The Path Editor
[-->] The Vector Graphis Editor
[-->] The Animation Editor
[-->] The Chart Generator
[-->] Services